Friday, May 14, 2010

That little voice...

You know how you hear people say, "and then something told me to....". Maybe it has even happened to you. Well, I have never actually heard that something telling me to do anything until last night. I was sound asleep dreaming about what Shane and I were going to be for halloween (totally random, I know) when it was interrupted by a voice that said in these exact words, "go pull the blanket of your daughter's face or she will suffocate." It was like when you are in the middle of watching something on TV and your show gets interrupted by an emergency broadcast message--just like that. Well, anyway, so I shot straight up out of bed and went to Ella's bed and sure enough, her big fluffy pink blanket was sitting in a giant clump directly over her face! None of the blanket was even on her body. It was all over her head! So, I gasped and took it off and rubbed her little foot to make sure she was okay. She made a little noise so I knew she was okay. I shudder to think what probably would have happened had I not listened to that voice. Thank goodness for the angel watching over us.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! That gave me chills! I'm so glad you listened to the little voice, what a blessing. You are a great mom! Love ya!

michael said...

I'm so glad you listened to that still small voice. Heavenly Father loves you and your little family. Keep listening.
Love ya,