Over spring break Shane and I decided to take the girls to St.George to visit my mom and dad (Grandpa and Grandma Cummings) and spend Easter with them. While we were there we were able to throw an early birthday party for Ava (birthday party number 1). Andrea and Casey were there with their kids and then Steve joined us as well. We had so much fun. We also had a picinic followed by rolling easter eggs at the "sand dunes"--a long standing family tradition (which I forgot to bring my camera so when Andrea posts her pics I'll refer you to her blog.) Andrea and I spent a few hours shopping and then the guys and mom golfed. The kids were also able to get in a little swim time at the resort pool. I'll post all the birthday pics now and the Easter pics another day since there are soooo many birthday pics to post! She actually had 4 birthay celebrations. I thing she was very confused, but she woke up almost every morning the week of her birthday with someone singing her happy birthday....doesn't get much better than that!

Birthday party number two was thrown the day before Ava's birthday at her daycare. What a fun time she had! Then, on her actual birthday , April 7, we had a little birthday time (birthday party number 3) where she opened the present we got her, a bike, as well as the presents from Grandpa and Grandma Langstaff. Later I took her and Ella to the park and then that evening Shane helped her ride her bike. She did pretty and it took her no time at all to figure it out.

Ava loves her new Art Desk/Easle that Grandpa and Grandma Langstaff got her

Ava's fourth and final party took place this Saturday where we had a big birthday bash with some of ours and Ava's friends a families. Ava decided she wanted a "Tinkerbell birthday cake" so we did a Tinkerbell theme. There was a giant Tinkerbell bounce house that everyone, including the adults, enjoyed! They really are so much fun! We all had such a great time socializing and spending time with our friends and Ava really loved all of the fun presents she got! I took lots of pictures so sit back because there are lots here for you to enjoy!

My sweet Tinkerbell

This is Ava's good friend Taylor.

Ella had fun playing with the balloons. She had herself all tangled up in the strings. It was so cute!
Lunch time!

Suzy and Josh

Mike took great care of Ella for me!

Taylor, Brandon, Mason, and Ava

My friend Jen also took great care of Ella too! Thanks so much Jen!

Time to eat cake and open presents!

Shane REALLY enjoyed the birthday cake!
Now it's time for the bounce house!!

The Tinkerbell Bouncehouse!

Connor getting his bounce on

Ava LOVED the bounce house!

It didn't take long before the adults were getting their bounce on too!





Ava and Taylor
Hangin with our Buddies!

Jen, Me, and Meagan

Dennis chillin!

Nicole, Christine, Tasha, Me, and Laurie

The family pic!


Shane Hangin out

Meagan, Suzy and Me