Today was a big event for Ava. She got her first haircut. Our neighbor, Tasha (who Ava just adores) cut it for her at her shop. When I told Ava she was getting her hair cut the night before, it was all she could talk about. When we got there she couldn't stop smiling and she loved making faces in the mirrors. Doesn't she look so much older with her hair straightened? I love it! Thank you Tasha for being a part of this. It really means alot to both Ava and I.
Last October, while Andrea and her family came out to California to visit, we got the opportunity to sit in for a family photo shoot with her. I just wanted to share some pictures she took as well as share her talent. These aren't all of the pictures she took, just some of my favorites. I would like to invite you to look at many of the others at her website as well as view other photoshoots she has done.
Andrea is very talented so if anyone is looking for a great photographer give her a call and book an appointment! Thanks Andrea!
It has been a VERY long time since I last posted something so I decided to share some pictures from Christmas this year. Ava is at an age that she is starting to understand the excitment of Christmas, so it was a BIG deal this year! She asked Santa for a Barbie house and was really excited when she woke up Christmas morning. Unfortunately we weren't able spend the holidays with family this year, so it was a quiet year with just us, but it was nice anyway!